Life of African Elephants - Largest Terrestrial Mammals of the Earth - 4K Nature Documentary Film ▶49:10・
Life of African Elephants - Largest Terrestrial Mammals of the Earth - 4K Nature Documentary Film ▶51:43・
Elephants - Back to the Wild (never before seen footage) | Full Documentary ▶50:23・
Elephants - Back to the Wild (never before seen footage) | Full Documentary ▶5:31・
Elephants Up Close: Gentle African Giants | Full Widlife Documentary ▶51:34・
How Elephant Families Communicate and Bond | Secrets of the Elephants ▶4:03・
How Elephant Families Communicate and Bond | Secrets of the Elephants ▶38:20・
Elephants - Back to the Wild | Part 1 - The Orphanage of Elephants | Free Documentary Nature ▶44:24・
Elephants - Back to the Wild | Part 1 - The Orphanage of Elephants | Free Documentary Nature ▶3:04・
Welcome To The Elephant Oasis | Natural World Forest Elephants | BBC Earth ▶52:16・
Welcome To The Elephant Oasis | Natural World Forest Elephants | BBC Earth ▶4:02・
Elephants Being Elephants | BBC Earth ▶6:43・
Follow an elephant calf in its first year of life (Full Episode) Happy Baby Elephant | Little Giant ▶0:43・
Follow an elephant calf in its first year of life (Full Episode) Happy Baby Elephant | Little Giant ▶6:02・
Top Ten Baby Elephants At Play - Elephantnews ▶8:07・
Elephant Orphanage Saves The Lives Of Vulnerable Baby Elephants | Back to the Wild | Real Wild ▶27:34・
Elephant Orphanage Saves The Lives Of Vulnerable Baby Elephants | Back to the Wild | Real Wild ▶6:14・
Elephants 101 | Elephants for Children | Elephants of Africa and Asia | Science Lessons for Kids ▶6:42・
Elephants 101 | Elephants for Children | Elephants of Africa and Asia | Science Lessons for Kids ▶1:57・
Elephant Facts for Kids ▶9:11・
Unforgettable Wildlife Moment: Witnessing Elephants Mating in the Wild ▶0:22・
Unforgettable Wildlife Moment: Witnessing Elephants Mating in the Wild ▶29:59・
AMAZING! Elephants RUSH to the Water and PROTECT BABY ▶2:03・
Adorable Twin baby Elephants fascinate the people with their cute gestures ▶2:21・
Adorable Twin baby Elephants fascinate the people with their cute gestures ▶2:08・
20 Biggest Elephants In The World ▶2:51・
Elephant Encounter in 360 - Ep. 2 | The Okavango Experience ▶1:42・
Have You Ever Wondered How Elephants Walk? ▶3:39・
Robert introduces our magnificent elephants | Australia Zoo Life ▶3:51・
Elephants rescued by helicopter 🐘🚁 - Equator from the Air - BBC ▶3:47・
How Quickly Can Elephants Reach Top Speed?! 😱 ▶3:44・
A pretty baby elephant and such a defenseless hoot is not at all small ▶11:23:20・
Elephants size comparison | mammoth size comparison 😱 ▶3:36・
Elephant Sprays Water at Lion ▶44:42・
Four Rescued Elephants Having Joyful Trumpeting In Sanctuary - ElephantNews ▶1:42・
Four Rescued Elephants Having Joyful Trumpeting In Sanctuary - ElephantNews ▶2:07・
Friendship Between African Elephant And Asian Elephant Mysore Zoo Mysore Tourism Karnataka Tourism ▶3:27・
Friendship Between African Elephant And Asian Elephant Mysore Zoo Mysore Tourism Karnataka Tourism ▶3:25・
Learn about elephants for kids | Elephant wildlife documentary | elephant facts learning | Elefante ▶2:10・
Learn about elephants for kids | Elephant wildlife documentary | elephant facts learning | Elefante ▶0:36・
Elephant Twins Escape Battling Bulls | Dynasties II | BBC Earth ▶7:46・
Protecting The Elephant Way Of Life | Natural World: Forest Elephants ▶1:19:38・
Male Elephants Fight for Dominance! | BBC Earth ▶16:11・
Great Elephant Migration art installation reaches NYC, depicting 100 life-sized sculptures of the animal ▶4:19・
Great Elephant Migration art installation reaches NYC, depicting 100 life-sized sculptures of the animal ▶5:03・
Lost Elephant Calf Cries Out For Mother | Natural World: Forest elephants | BBC Earth ▶3:07・
Lost Elephant Calf Cries Out For Mother | Natural World: Forest elephants | BBC Earth ▶3:43:43・
Desert (Full Episode) | Secrets of the Elephants | Executive Produced by James Cameron ▶4:33・
Desert (Full Episode) | Secrets of the Elephants | Executive Produced by James Cameron ▶1:03・
For An Elephant, Rain Is A Celebratory Moment! - ElephantNews ▶3:47・
For An Elephant, Rain Is A Celebratory Moment! - ElephantNews ▶14:18・
The Hidden World of Elephants: Surprising Behaviors and Mysteries Revealed ▶1:35・
The Hidden World of Elephants: Surprising Behaviors and Mysteries Revealed ▶15:15・
Three Elephants That Have Strong Relationships With Human - ElephantNews ▶3:14・
Three Elephants That Have Strong Relationships With Human - ElephantNews ▶2:27・
Amazing Elephant Facts You Need to Know | Elephant Documentary ▶0:17・
This is what a sanctuary for elephants in Sri Lanka look like,Majestic Elephants of Sri Lanka ▶7:27・
This is what a sanctuary for elephants in Sri Lanka look like,Majestic Elephants of Sri Lanka ▶8:01・
Surprising Facts about Elephants Mating Behaviors | Footages of Elephants Mating ▶8:24・
Surprising Facts about Elephants Mating Behaviors | Footages of Elephants Mating ▶3:35・
Elephant | The Majestic Elephant 🐘 Marvels of Nature and the Gentle Giants of the Wild 🌿 ▶5:17・
Elephant | The Majestic Elephant 🐘 Marvels of Nature and the Gentle Giants of the Wild 🌿 ▶7:29・
Indian Elephant Facts | George & Toby Wildlife Rangers | Animal videos for Kids ▶0:38・
Indian Elephant Facts | George & Toby Wildlife Rangers | Animal videos for Kids ▶18:22・
Vines & Elephants | Jungle Beat | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Zoo ▶1:28・
Elephant Sanctuary Experience in Chiang Mai, Thailand 🇹🇭 ▶13:16・
The Bull Elephant Playground | Natural World: Forest Elephants | BBC Earth ▶8:17・
The Bull Elephant Playground | Natural World: Forest Elephants | BBC Earth ▶50:04・
Evolutionary Line Of The Modern Day Elephants Explained ▶8:33・
Magical hotel where WILD ELEPHANTS walk straight through reception 😍🐘 - BBC ▶7:08・
Magical hotel where WILD ELEPHANTS walk straight through reception 😍🐘 - BBC ▶18:38・
4K African Wildlife: ELEPHANTS Part *1 - A day in Africa with Giant Elephants - 10-bit Color ▶2:39・
4K African Wildlife: ELEPHANTS Part *1 - A day in Africa with Giant Elephants - 10-bit Color ▶0:31・
How Elephants Listen...With Their Feet | Deep Look ▶1:42・
Footage Captures Wild Asiatic Elephants Mating in Southwest China ▶10:33・
Footage Captures Wild Asiatic Elephants Mating in Southwest China ▶6:12・
Baby Elephant Plays In The Sand | Secret Life Of Elephants | BBC Earth ▶9:12・
Baby Elephant Plays In The Sand | Secret Life Of Elephants | BBC Earth ▶2:33・
This Was INCREDIBLE! Thailand's BEST Elephant Sanctuary Experience 🐘 ▶3:01・
This Was INCREDIBLE! Thailand's BEST Elephant Sanctuary Experience 🐘 ▶4:36・
Mating elephants. WildEarth 22 January 2020 ▶0:53・
Assignment Asia: Elephants of Kerala ▶0:41・
How Does An Elephant Give Birth | Newborn Baby Elephant ▶1:00・
Elephants Take Care of Orphaned Babies | This Wild Life | BBC Earth ▶10:35・
The Marvel of Birth: Understanding the Elephant Baby Process ▶1:43・
The Evolution of Elephants ▶4:04・
A Man Rescues Drowning Baby Elephant. Then the Herd Surprises Everyone with an Unexpected Response ▶2:37・
A Man Rescues Drowning Baby Elephant. Then the Herd Surprises Everyone with an Unexpected Response ▶12:33・
50 facts About Elephants | facts about ▶3:32・
Facts About Wild Elephants ▶3:15・
African Elephant facts: the largest living land animals | Animal Fact Files ▶6:32・
African Elephant facts: the largest living land animals | Animal Fact Files ▶19:26・
Most Beautiful Baby Elephant You Will Ever See ▶0:59・
Elephant Courtship and Reproduction: Insights into These Amazing Creatures ▶5:31・
Elephant Courtship and Reproduction: Insights into These Amazing Creatures ▶6:20・
Top 5 Nail-Biting Elephant Moments | BBC Earth ▶22:13・
Nature And You| Know About Elephants | हाथी | 09 April, 2023 ▶18:21・
🐘 Can Baby Elephants Walk From Birth? (Part Two) Cutest Moment Ever Caught On Camera! ▶10:21・
🐘 Can Baby Elephants Walk From Birth? (Part Two) Cutest Moment Ever Caught On Camera! ▶10:40・
Amazing! Lovable Twin baby Elephant birth first recorded in an elephant orphanage home ▶1:32・
Amazing! Lovable Twin baby Elephant birth first recorded in an elephant orphanage home ▶2:32・
Lions vs. Elephants - Life on the Edge | Free Documentary Nature ▶1:45・
The Unforgettable Tale of the Elephant Whisperer: Lawrence Anthony's Legacy ▶51:51・
The Unforgettable Tale of the Elephant Whisperer: Lawrence Anthony's Legacy ▶22:31・
Have You Ever Wondered Why an Elephant Flaps its Ears? ▶・
The Dark Reality Behind India’s Festival Elephants | Podcast | Overheard at National Geographic ▶・
The Dark Reality Behind India’s Festival Elephants | Podcast | Overheard at National Geographic ▶・
Shankar : The Lone African Elephant of India (Delhi Zoo) ! ▶・
A Rare Scene of An Elephant Giving Birth *elephants *elephantvideos *AfricanElephant ▶・
A Rare Scene of An Elephant Giving Birth *elephants *elephantvideos *AfricanElephant ▶・
World's Biggest Elephant ▶・
Bloodthirsty Lions Surround And Attack Elephant Giving Birth - Can The Baby Elephants Escape Death? ▶・
Bloodthirsty Lions Surround And Attack Elephant Giving Birth - Can The Baby Elephants Escape Death? ▶・
Feeding Baby Orphaned Elephants | Nature's Miracle Babies | BBC Earth ▶・
10 Largest Elephants Ever Lived ll Extinct & Living ▶・
Elephant Sounds - Noises ▶・
What's Inside An Elephant Trunk? ▶・
Getting close with Elephants – My best Encounters during my Professional Field Guide Course. ▶・
Getting close with Elephants – My best Encounters during my Professional Field Guide Course. ▶・
Mating Elephants ▶・
Baby Elephant Try To Make Friend With Dog - ElephantNews ▶・
World's Greatest Elephant Hunts ▶・
The end of a duel between two wild elephants. ▶・
Elephants Celebrated By Trumpeting After Eating Fruit Cake - ElephantNews ▶・
Elephants Celebrated By Trumpeting After Eating Fruit Cake - ElephantNews ▶・
Elephant Facts: The Engineers | Cute baby elephant Elephant Family ▶・
Elephants React To The Trumpet Sound And Rush To Join Each Other - ElephantNews ▶・
Elephants React To The Trumpet Sound And Rush To Join Each Other - ElephantNews ▶・
30 Most Incredible Elephant Attacks Caught On Camera ▶・
AFRICAN vs ASIAN Elephants! MIXED? ▶・
Orphaned Baby Elephant Gets A Big New Family | The Dodo ▶・
Elephants off their chain for the first time Full HD - ElephantNews ▶・
The Most Emotional Moments in Baby Elephant, Khanyisa’s 3 Years! 💖🐘 ▶・
Can Elephants Jump? 5 Facts About the Largest Land Animal | National Geographic ▶・
Can Elephants Jump? 5 Facts About the Largest Land Animal | National Geographic ▶・
Elephants for Kids ▶・
The Cutest Elephant Moments | Top 5 | BBC Earth ▶・
This is the Story of Phabeni, the New Baby Elephant Orphan at HERD ▶・
This is the Story of Phabeni, the New Baby Elephant Orphan at HERD ▶・
Injured Elephant mother let her baby to suckle Milk until her final breath |Mother's love never fade ▶・
Injured Elephant mother let her baby to suckle Milk until her final breath |Mother's love never fade ▶・
The Most Adorable Elephants 😍 🐘 | BEST Compilation ▶・
Huge bull elephant in Etosha National Park ▶・
Elephant Run ▶・
Elephants swimming in Elephant Lands ▶・
Elephants Empire 🐘- Baby Elephant | Elephant Documentary | Natural History Channel ▶・
Elephants Empire 🐘- Baby Elephant | Elephant Documentary | Natural History Channel ▶・
Botswana: Trouble in the Elephant Sanctuary [FULL Documentary] - BBC News ▶・
Botswana: Trouble in the Elephant Sanctuary [FULL Documentary] - BBC News ▶ >>次へNext
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